To stop dolphins and whales captivity in japan. No more captives.

  • por: Toshio Yashiro
  • destinatário: Nobuteru Ishihara (Minister of the Environment),JAZA, WAZA ,MEXT.

*Truth of a dolphin show. Set the captives free.
This photograph that is hard to believe was taken by the Taiwan photographer Huang-Ju Chen.
©Huang-Ju Chen (Taiwan) "The dolphin show " / Natural History Museum

This is one of the precious proof proving the ability of man not to keep a dolphins and whales.
On the reverse side of the gay dolphin show, the dolphin which cannot appeal against the present condition has suffered abuse.

There are no animal welfare lows in japan for dolphins and whales in captivity.
A family is killed cruelly and they are caught.
They are caught for a dolphin show and the dolphins which were not selected were killed.
This unjust repetition is continued for many years for many years.
so sad!
I presented this photograph and asked other cleaning methods to WAZA
My question was disregarded. All the organizations also ignored my question.
This goes on in USA, in Europe, and everywhere else dolphins are held in tanks."
Other cleaning methods do not exist.
dolphins are lying on the bare floor of an aquarium tank in Japan while workers clean grime and goop off the walls.
* A certain prominent specialist says that the same cleaning method goes on at all of the 51 dolphin abusement parks in Japan.
Many whales and dolphin specialists have appealed against this cruelty.

Please show this photograph to the children who want to see dolphins at dolphin amusement Place.
And please educate to children.

;Sigeyuki Yamoto Chairman/JAZA
kazutoshi arai Director /JAZA
;JAZA (Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums)
This organization is an organization which received public-benefit authorization in the Prime Minister.
;WAZA (World Association of Zoos and Aquariums)
;Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology ( MEXT)
;Biodiversity Center of Japan
;Nobuteru Ishihara (Minister of the Environment)
;Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan 
;Ministry of Environment natural environment office
This is a slave act to other species which man is performing for money. Let's make the industry realized by this human being's ego finish.
Many cities in the world are thinking over on humane grounds about dolphins and whales captivity.
"India bans captive dolphin shows, says they should be considered ‘non-human’ people".
We have to terminate this history of blood.
Please sign the petititon to stop dolphins and whales captivity in japan,and set them free.
please take action. Please share this with your friends.
Please make this spread.

(Many specialists are explaining details for a dolphin. In order to help dolphins, please refer to explanation of the specialist who is working hard. I offer the greatest gratitude to them. )
The Japanese government ignores the big contrary from the world and they are moving in order to nationalize the whaling industry.
I am thankful from the bottom of my heart to "the anti-whaling country, ngo, npo,overseas media and Journalist, specialist, and individual" who are doing hard work for ending of japanese whaling.
love you.

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