Support Rainbow And Trans Pride Crosswalks in Washington, D.C.!

As a transgender individual, I know what it's like to be fearful to be your authentic self in a society that hasn't yet accepted folks whose gender experience and presentation doesn’t fit neatly into our cisnormative society. Whether it’s rampant job or housing discrimination, medical gatekeeping, or vastly disproportionate rates of homicide and suicide, transgender individuals across the country are looking for a sign, any sign, that they are recognized for who they are. 

Some cities, like San Francisco, have made LGBTQ people feel more at home by creating permanent rainbow crosswalks to honor the LGBTQ community. Growing up in rural Ohio, I would have loved to see such a visual and public display of support for people like me. 

One small thing that could be done to signal to one of the most marginalized communities in the country would be to install permanent crosswalks featuring the pink, blue and white transgender pride flag.

According to a recent study by the Williams Institute, Washington D.C. is home to the largest percentage of transgender individuals in the country. That said, I’m calling on people to please sign my petition calling on the city of Washington D.C. to install these transgender pride crosswalks in time for Pride month in June! 

Atualização #17 anos atrás
HUGE news! D.C. is installing 8 LGBTQ pride crosswalks in time for Pride! And, this petition was responsible for creating the very first trans pride crosswalk in the country! Read more here. I am keeping the petition open as the crosswalks are impermanent and I would still love to see this as a permanent display of support for the LGBTQ+ community. Thank you so much for signing and supporting!
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