Animal Rights in Brunei PLEASE!

  • por: Pinky Girl
  • destinatário: For all animal lovers around

Driving down the street on the way back home from work, a puppy was found dead on the road. Even more depressing was the sight of its sibling lying on the body, wailing into the air. The witness then saw two men walking up to the surviving puppy, presumably to help it. As the witness drove closer, he saw the two men were holding huge clubs in their hands. "Must be to help move the puppies since they can't physically touch dogs", he thought.
The witness then slowed his car down, staring hard into his rear view mirror for the moment where his 'faith in humanity' would be restored. But just as quickly as their clubs were raised to the air and then brought back down with force, so too was any hope I had in humanity. At least, not in those two MONSTERS. Blow after vicious blow, he saw them frantically and continuously beat the surviving puppy until its wails were replaced by silence.
By the time the witness managed to U-turn his car, it was too late. He ran after them to stop them and to take their photos but they ran off into the jungle. Walking back, he looked down at his feet and saw the lifeless battered remains of what was two helpless little puppies. He sat down by the curb, thinking of ways to find justice, Googling for any Bruneian RSPCA - anything. Nothing.
This really angers and saddens all animal lovers here to have been a witness to this heinous act. That those monsters will just walk away. There's a great many ideals we wish Brunei and Bruneians had, but more than anything right now, We can't find justice, we can't do anything.

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