Tampon Manufacturers: Stop Misleading Consumers About the "Flushability" of Tampons!

  • por: Kelly Irwin
  • destinatário: Tampon Manufacturers (e.g., Kotex, Tampax, Playtex, etc.)

Many tampon manufacturers claim that their products are flushable. This is misleading to consumers. The Brunelle Flushability Test is used to determine whether a tampon can be considered flushable. To pass the test, a tampon is flushed, and if it passes the U-bend in the toilet, it is considered flushable. The problem is, this test ignores what happens after the tampon passes the U-bend. Tampons often get stuck in the remainder of the pipes after the U-bend. Tampons also do not biodegrade in septic tanks, either; they accumulate on the bottom.

Let's urge tampon manufacturers to remove the "flushable" label on their products and replace it with a label that explains to consumers how to dispose of their tampons correctly, in the trash.

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