Tell MetroPCS to Stop Promoting Ringling's Cruel Circus!

Despite being informed about Ringling's lengthy history of animal abuse and neglect, MetroPCS continues to promote this notorious circus to its customers by offering free circus tickets. Ringling was recently fined $270,000 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for dozens of violations of the federal Animal Welfare Act—the highest penalty ever paid by an animal exhibitor. According to former circus employees, Ringling trainers routinely beat elephants and jab them with sharp, metal bullhooks in order to force them to perform. Heartbreaking photos reveal how Ringling circus trainers cruelly force baby elephants to learn tricks by violently slamming them to the ground, gouging them with bullhooks, and shocking them with electric prods. You can view undercover footage of some of the abuse in a new video narrated by Alec Baldwin here.

Corporations are distancing themselves from the negative publicity that surrounds Ringling. Whole Foods, Visa, Mastercard, Denny's, and many others have ended Ringling promotions after learning about the abuse that takes place behind the scenes. Using the form below, please contact the president and chief operating officer of MetroPCS and politely ask him to end his company's promotion of Ringling.

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