Stop the Seal Massacre

March 22nd started Canada's annual, brutal and barbaric seal hunt again. Men slaughtered both baby and adults seals by shooting and clubbing them death in Canada's Gulf of St. Lawrence.

Every year, pregnant harp seals migrate from Greenland down the coast of Canada, stopping each spring to give birth on the ice floes off Newfoundland. And every year, the Canadian government funds a trade in which the baby seals are massacred by club-wielding sealers from the local fishing community while their pelts remain soft enough to sell on the international fur market.

We call on Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, to bring this massacre to and end immediately.

SOURCE and Additional Petition:

Canadian Prime Minister

Stephen Harper

Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2

Fax: 613-941-6900


March 22nd started Canada's annual, brutal and barbaric seal hunt again. Men slaughtered both baby and adults seals by shooting and clubbing them death in Canada's Gulf of St. Lawrence.

Every year, pregnant harp seals migrate from Greenland down the coast of Canada, stopping each spring to give birth on the ice floes off Newfoundland. And every year, the Canadian government funds a trade in which the baby seals are massacred by club-wielding sealers from the local fishing community while their pelts remain soft enough to sell on the international fur market.

We call on Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, to bring this massacre to and end immediately.

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