Let Levi & Phyllis stay!!
Levi& Phyllis are 2 teacup pigs who live the pampered life. Recently the Village of Whitehouse, Ohio has threatened prosecution if they are not removed from the home immediately. Whitehouse argues that they are agricultural livestock and my home is not in the "agriculture allowed zone". They are beloved pets and members of the family. There is no evidence that they are a "risk to public safety and welfare". Even after receiving letters from several neighbors stating their opinion that the pigs are not smelly or a nuisance and that they should be able to stay, Whitehouse responded by threatening to press criminal charges for failure to comply.
Dear Village of Whitehouse,
I started this petition to let you know how many people view Levi and Phyllis as pets NOT agricultural animals. Although they do not all reside in Whitehouse, they are real people who highly disagree with your decision to make Levi and Phyllis leave my home. Please consider this petition and reverse your decision.
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