Critically Endangered Addax Antelope Urgently Need Your Protection Now

  • por: Jessica Ramos
  • destinatário: Mahamadou Issoufou, President of Niger and Wang Yilin, Chairman of China National Petroleum Corporation

A new report by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) reveals that there are ONLY 3 critically endangered, wild addax antelope left in Niger. The agency used a series of on the ground and aerial surveys with infrared technology to collect the shocking data.

The IUCN blames "poaching by soldiers employed to protect Chinese-owned oil installations in Niger," like the China National Petroleum Corporation, says Scientific American

But increased monitoring efforts and protections can help the antelope. Investing in conservation efforts like rebuilding the wild antelope population with captive antelope is another avenue to avoid permanent extinction.

This desert dwelling antelope's population is drying up right before our eyes. Sign and share this petition demanding that Niger and China National Petroleum Corporation monitor and protect the wild addax and to explore rebuilding the wild population with captive antelope.

Photo Credit: Susan Adams

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