No More Caged Chickens!!!!

  • por: Ozzy Kara
  • destinatário: U.S. President

We all know that caged chickens are cruel, but what people do not know is that these chickens become so frustrated and angry in their cages that their hormones become highly developed so they act erraticly and crazy. Therefore, when humans eat this caged chicken meat from cheap chicken shops, we are effectively eating their hormones, which influences the way we behave as well. What I mean is that we behave more energetically as well and it may affect the way we behave e.g. we over think too much or our judgement becomes clouded by unnecessary thoughts. Personally I buy free range chicken as I totally despise the idea of eating caged chicken meat. I only eat free range because free range means that chickens have space to walk around freely where they are brought up they have spacious - cozy homes and have various obstacles and climbing frames to challenge themselves so they can exercise and stay fit. I hope someone can do something about this, I don't want this to be a petition where people sign it and nothing happens. I want this to actually work, so if anyone could provide feedback as to how I can get this message to people who can make a change, then I would be very grateful.

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