Demand U.S. Armed Forces Provide Moving Costs for Military Families' Pets

When military families are ordered to a new base in the U.S. or around the world, moving bills pile up and you are faced with an administrative nightmare. If you have children, new schools have to be found, spouses have to look for new jobs and the list goes on. Thankfully the military pays for many moving costs, but strangely they don’t help our military families relocate the family pet.

For those serving in hostile countries a pet is so much more than a pet. It’s a companion, someone who doesn’t judge and is always happy to see you. A pet becomes an important part of anyone’s life, not just our men and woman of the military.

For those families with wives and husbands on active duty abroad, a pet helps fill the gap left by the absent loved one.

With the costs involved in transporting animals, families are torn apart, and soldiers are left devastated when they cannot take their beloved animals with them. It may seem like an insignificant thing to you, but to someone that animal is his or her world. 

These animals offer more than companionship, they offer respite, they offer hope and they offer nothing but love. Surely they are an important part of the family?

We implore the secretary of defense, Chuck Hagel to reconsider the policy of not relocating the pets with the families of our military.

 Sign this petition to stand with our military and their pets.

To the Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel,

When military families are ordered to a new base in the U.S. or around the world, moving bills pile up and you are faced with an administrative nightmare. If they have children, new schools have to be found, spouses have to look for new jobs and the list goes on.

Thankfully, the military pays for many moving costs, but strangely they don’t help our military families relocate the family pet.

For those serving in hostile countries a pet is so much more than a pet. It’s a companion, someone who doesn’t judge and is always happy to see you. A pet becomes an important part of anyone’s life, not just our men and woman of the military.

For those families with wives and husbands on active duty abroad, a pet helps fill the gap left by the absent loved one.

With the costs involved in transporting animals, families are torn apart, and soldiers are left devastated when they cannot take their beloved animals with them. It may seem like an insignificant thing, but to someone that animal is his or her world. 

These animals offer more than companionship, they offer respite, they offer hope and they offer nothing but love. Surely they are an important part of the family?

We implore you to reconsider the policy of not relocating the pets with the families of our military.

Thank you for your consideration.

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