• por: Evelyn Saranzak
  • destinatário: Obama Administration, U. S. Congress,Secretary of Agriculture

PLEASE HELP PUT AN END TO ANIMAL EXPERIMENTATION BY SIGNING THIS PETITION. The things that are done to these poor innocent creatures of God is inhumane, cruel & just too horrible for words. Below are some Animal Experimentation Facts:

      1. It's impossible to know exactly how many animals are being used in research because U.S. laws do not require scientists to report how many mice, rats, or birds they use, but it’s estimated that 90% of lab animals are mice and rats.

      1. The animals that scientists do have to report using in experiments include dogs, cats, sheep, hamsters, guinea pigs, and primates. Of the animals that the USDA collects numbers on, 1,438,553 were used in research in 2002.

      1. Since more than 1.4 million mammals other than rats and mice were used in research, and since mice and rats probably make up 90% of the animals in labs, we can guess that about 14 million rats and mice were used in research in 2002.

      1. In labs, small animals, like hamsters, rats and mice, are usually kept in clear or white plastic boxes about the size of a shoebox. Animals a bit bigger, such as guinea pigs, live in larger boxes about twice the size of a shoebox. Usually, more than one animal lives in a box.

      1. Larger animals like dogs, cats, and primates usually live in wire cages. Most animals stay in their cages all the time except when they are being used in experiments.

      1. Living in cages can be a big problem for intelligent animals like dogs, cats, pigs, and primates who become tremendously lonely and bored unless they have things to play with or ways to get more exercise.

      1. More than half of the 1.4 million animals counted by the USDA that are used in research were not involved in experiments that caused pain. There is no way of knowing how many rats and mice were involved in studies that were not designed to cause pain.

      1. 489,262 animals that were used in research in 2002 (not including mice, rats, and birds—no one knows how many of these animals are used in research) were used in research that was either painful, distressful, or both. Most of these animals were given something that either helped take the pain away or helped them get over the pain quickly.

      1. 103,764 of the animals made to feel pain were not given anything to reduce their pain and suffering. Although some of this pain was slight—like getting an injection with a needle—some of it was extremely severe.

      1. Most of these animals are only used in one experiment, but sometimes the same animal will be used in more than one experiment. Most are euthanized shortly after being used in an experiment.

      1. Some lucky chimps will be able to retire from being used in research to the Chimp Haven sanctuary, built in Shreveport, Louisiana, thanks to a law signed by President Clinton in 2000.


This petitiion is the voice of the poor innocent defenseless animals that are used in inhumane, cruel and painful animal experimentation. It needs to stop. These animals are living breathing creatures of God that can feel pain just like you and me. No living creature deserves to be treated like this. PLEASE hear our voices and do something to put an end to the torture and suffering of these poor animals. Thank you.

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