The Worst Air Pollution in the World Is Currently Choking Parts of India and Pakistan. Demand Immediate Action.

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Governments of India and Pakistan
Toxic smog is suffocating millions of people and animals in India and Pakistan, plunging entire regions into a public health emergency. In cities like New Delhi and Lahore, air quality index readings exceed 1,600 - a staggering figure when anything above 500 is deemed "off the charts" by experts.

The primary culprits? Fossil fuel emissions and agricultural crop burning, practices that continue unchecked while innocent lives are put at risk.

Sign the petition to ask the governments of India and Pakistan to take immediate action. They must regulate fossil fuels and help farmers adopt better agricultural practices!

Schools have closed, outdoor activities are banned, and hospitals are overwhelmed with patients suffering from respiratory diseases, allergies, and other severe health conditions.

This isn't just bad air; it's a deadly crisis. Every breath taken in these areas is filled with harmful pollutants that can lead to long-term health complications, particularly for vulnerable populations like children and the elderly. The crisis is causing a spike in lung and respiratory illnesses, eye and throat irritation, and serious long-term health threats.

In Punjab, both in India and Pakistan, farmers burn massive amounts of rice stubble after the harvest, releasing toxic particles into the air. Meanwhile, emissions from coal plants, diesel vehicles, and industrial facilities compound the problem. Falling seasonal temperatures trap these pollutants, creating a blanket of smog that refuses to dissipate.

The consequences are devastating. In Delhi, air quality has reached the worst levels in the world, impacting 55 million people. Punjab is experiencing its most hazardous pollution ever recorded, with readings over 1,000 on the air quality index.

The smog crisis is a symptom of a larger problem - unchecked pollution and a failure to prioritize public health and environmental sustainability. But there is a way forward to address this problem. In addition to cracking down on the fossil fuel industry that is driving this crisis, the governments of India and Pakistan must support farmers in adopting sustainable practices that do not harm the air we all breathe.

Sign this petition to protect the health and well-being of millions and ensure a cleaner, safer future for the region. Demand that the governments of India and Pakistan implement stricter air pollution regulations, transition away from fossil fuels, and provide resources to help farmers end crop-burning practices!
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