Demand the NEB to suspend Kinder Morgan's permits immediately"

  • por: Laurie Johansen
  • destinatário: Michelle Mungal Minister of energy, mines and petroleum resources:; Attorney General:; Ministry of Forest, Land and Natural Resources:; George Heyman Minister of the Environment: env
Recent attempts by Kinder Morgan to stop salmon spawning in BC streams and rivers by illegally installing spawning deterrent mats has put the salmon population at risk. Due to the recent aquaculture incident, which released 308,000 Atlantic salmon that are also attempting to spawn, the BC wild salmon now must compete with foreign salmon and Kinder Morgan to complete their cycle.

Salmon are a keystone food source for many species. Creating a wild salmon species crisis will seriously impact British Columbia's people, First Nations, tourism, industry and wild life such as the orcas which are already in decline.

This thoughtless action by Kinder Morgan is exactly what is needed to force a thorough environmental assessment onto the Trans mountain pipeline expansion.

For further info on the importance of salmon please see this documentary by recently deceased 38 year old film maker Twyla Roscovich.
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