Stop Chinese Vandals and thugs from destroying the Amazons and killing JAGUARS NOW!. LEAVE BOLIVIA ALONE!

  • por: Maria Alvestegui
  • destinatário: President Xi Jiping ,Evo Morales and Michel Temerof Brazil

There is a huge migration of Chinese nationals to Bolivia and these people have got caught killing Jaguars and other rainforest animals for their fangs and teeth, fur. We need your help, please share and please sign this petition to demand that  Evo Morales, his administration to protect the amazons and the wildlife and ask President Xi to stop the import of this wildlife to China immediately, also ask Brazil to help protect them! We need 600 more signatures please sign.

Atualização #46 anos atrás
Help to sign, share I need 609 signatures, 4 days left. Do it for the Jaguars! Help promote this petition? Do it because Chinese poachers are skinning them, taking their fangs, fur to China from Madidi (amazons). They are endanger species,They reported that a mom Jaguar was shot dead while pregnant, let’s protect them Do it for these beautiful animals, magnificent
Atualização #36 anos atrás
We need 601 more signatures before Wednesday Can you please share to your contacts and irequest them to sign and share? These magnificent animals are not being protected accordingly I was informed that another jaguar was shot dead and she was pregnant, we have limited time and it’s doable can you help me help the Jaguars? We need to demand this slaughter stops and we are their voice, we are their protectors, please help?
Atualização #26 anos atrás
We need 601 more signatures before Wednesday Can you please share to your contacts and inform them that they sign and share? these magnificent animals are not being protected accordingly I was informed that another jaguar was shot dead and she was pregnant, we have limited time and it’s doable can you help me help the Jaguars?
Atualização #17 anos atrás
We need 849 more signatures please sign and share, we are the voice for these animals
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