Make the trade in ivory and rhino horn illegal in China

  • por: Lee Cahill
  • destinatário: The Honourable Tian Xuejun, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to the Republic of South Africa

We, the undersigned, are shocked and horrified to learn that 25,000 elephants were killed in Africa last year to supply the demand for ivory in the Far East, mainly in China. Similarly, nearly 500 rhino have been killed in South Africa alone this year to supply the demand for rhino horn in traditional Chinese medicine - often in the most gruesome way. It seems that China, which honours and protects its own rare pandas, has no concern or respect for endangered animals in other parts of the world.

We therefore commit to boycotting all products manufactured in China - and to encouraging as many people as possible to do the same - until China makes the sale of ivory and rhino horn illegal, and until it shows real commitment to working with African authorities to end the brutal scourge of poaching on the continent.   

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