Netflix, STOP broadcasting the SENSATIONALIST and FLAWED series 72 Dangerous Animals

The series 72 Dangerous Animals (Latin America) contains sensationalist messages with seriously WRONG, scientifically flawed information that compromise efforts to protect species already threatened with extinction.

Demand that Netflix STOP producing and broadcasting these sensationalist series!
You CAN STOP Netflix from profiting with TV shows that put our biodiversity in danger!

Atualização #17 anos atrás
Netflix changed the content about howler monkeys in the 7th episode of the "72 Dangerous Animals: South America" series!
The new version mentions the yellow fever as it is - a THREAT TO THE CONSERVATION OF HOWLER MONKEYS!
I thank all who signed and shared this first petition and the >120,000 people who signed and shared the petition delivered by Rainforest Rescue!
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