Email your MP: Stop the Badger Cull!

A taxpayer sponsored and government directed cull killed over 10,000 badgers last Autumn in a misguided attempt to curb tuberculosis (TB) in cattle. 

Badgers might transmit TB to cattle through their faeces, so the government claimed to issue culls in an attempt to save cattle farmers money. Since there is no way to test for TB in badgers, thousands of healthy animals are killed, including cubs. But an eight-year study showed that killing badgers had no effect on stopping the spread of the disease in cattle. 

The Humane Society says that the culls are a distraction from finding useful means of controlling disease. Some farmers are vaccinating badgers on their land instead of killing them.

Please sign this petition to send an email to your MP asking them to urge the Government to permanently end badger culls, and use Government resources to find effective, humane methods of curbing TB.

Dear MP,

I am writing to urge you to take action in Parliament to stop the ineffective, inhumane badger culls.

I understand that a government cull killed over 10,000 badgers last Autumn in a misguided attempt to curb tuberculosis (TB). I am aware that badgers might transmit TB to cattle through their faeces, so the government issues culls in an attempt to save cattle farmers money. Since there is no way to test for TB in badgers, thousands of healthy animals are killed, including cubs. But an eight-year study showed that killing badgers had no effect on stopping the spread of the disease in cattle. 

The Humane Society says that the culls are a distraction from finding useful means of controlling disease. Some farmers are vaccinating badgers on their land instead of killing them. I respectfully urge you to take action to permanently end badger culls, and to urge the Government to use their resources to find effective, humane methods of curbing TB.

Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this issue. I am emailing you via this Care2 petition:

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