Major News Outlets: Increase Coverage of Climate Change!

  • por: Kailey L.
  • destinatário: NBC, CBS, Fox, ABC

2016 was the hottest year in recorded human history.

Yet the four major news organizations - CBS, Fox, NBC, and ABC - spent less than one hour total covering climate change. The science is clear: climate change is one of the largest threats facing humanity in the coming decades. And because of it, for the last three years, earth has consecutively shattered temperature records.

News networks are responsible for disseminating information about critical topics like climate change, but they spent only 50 minutes covering the issue last year. This was a 66% decrease in coverage of climate change coverage from 2015.

The scientific community is consistently criticized for not communicating the information of climate change well enough. If the news ignores it altogether, we cannot be surprised that so many Americans don't "believe" in the phenomenon. The U.S. has more climate change deniers than any other country, despite a scientific consensus. When media refuses to discuss it, the apathy surely worsens. We also are among the highest polluters and emitters of carbon dioxide. It is our job to act, and in order to do so, media must cover this issue appropriately.

In 2017 NBC, ABC, Fox, and CBS must increase their coverage of climate change and, more broadly, give more attention to environmental issues. Sign now to hold these media outlets accountable!

2016 was the hottest year in recorded human history.

Yet the four major news organizations - CBS, Fox, NBC, and ABC - spent less than one hour total covering climate change. The science is clear: climate change is one of the largest threats facing humanity in the coming decades. And because of it, for the last three years, earth has consecutively shattered temperature records.

News networks are responsible for disseminating information about critical topics like climate change, but they spent only 50 minutes covering the issue last year. This was a 66% decrease in coverage of climate change coverage from 2015.

The scientific community is consistently criticized for not communicating the information of climate change well enough. If the news ignores it altogether, we cannot be surprised that so many Americans don't "believe" in the phenomenon. The U.S. has more climate change deniers than any other country, despite a scientific consensus. When media refuses to discuss it, the apathy surely worsens.

In 2017 NBC, ABC, Fox, and CBS must increase their coverage of climate change and, more broadly, give more attention to environmental issues. We are trying to hold these media outlets accountable!

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