Help bring an end to shocking Religious slaughter here in the UK.

  • por: Tessa broad
  • destinatário: Waitrose, Tesco, Morrisions and Asda Supermarkets

Atualização #210 anos atrás

This is a piece I found on the internet,
Here it is -
I spoke to Geoff Webdale who’s been responsible for Animal Welfare in England since 2007

I told him that some of my Members are Farmers, who have changed abattoirs, because they couldn’t bear to see their cattle literally climbing the walls with their heads half hanging off.

Geoff cold-heartedly said,
“Well that shouldn’t be happening – they should have been tethered to hold them still!”

Atualização #110 anos atrás
A total ban on killing animals without stunning them first might not be far off if religious groups cannot agree a more humane way of slaughter soon, a top vet has said.

Please sign our petition, we must be an end to this horrific cruelty NOW.

Friday, 4 April 2014 -

David Cameron, The UK'S Prime Minister offers to protect Halal slaughtered meat whilst he is in power.
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