Child kills rare deer with crossbow

  • por: Elle P
  • destinatário: Care2 members

 Please sign this petition to raise awareness for the need for educational programs that teach all chidren the value of non human life. 

A child has killed a rare beauty with a crossbow and a taxidermist will preserve the body of the albino buck.

The child has learned that killing is easy and rewarding, he gets 'rock star' status and is rewarded for having no respect for life. 

Please sign to mourn this rare creature and raise awareness of the value of life and the desire of all life to live.  

Raise the minimum age for the license to kill animals in all states. Anyone too young to drive, get a job or rent an apartment  has no place carrying a deadly weapon. 

Ban cross bow hunting in all states for the agony it brings animals.

Ultimately abolish pleasure hunting, otherwise known as " sport" hunting. In a sport one competes with others on a level playing field.  Even though it may have taken "skill" tracking down this beauty, it was white, it had no ability to hide for protedtion. This buck had no self defense. 

 As long as it still is legal, call it what it is, it is not "bagging" it is the killing of an innocent animal for pleasure.

Atualização #110 anos atrás
It is reported that the boy has received death threats,
This 11 year old grew up in the culture of hunting.. He has had no choice, until now, to continue in his father's hunting footsteps. How do we get people who view wildlife as only targets to stop killing?

Please continue to share, we have along way to go even to 1000.
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