Stop service dog discrimination by Calvary Chapel Bible Fellowship in Temecula, CA

  • por: Jennifer Lehr
  • destinatário: Calvary Chapel Bible Fellowship, Temecula, CA

Assistant Pastor Dave Hinchey says this church's policy does NOT allow any kind of DISABLED person who uses a service dog as medical equipment to attend their church. Per Dave Hinchey, DISABLED VETERANS are also NOT allowed to attend if they require the use of a service dog. He also told me I could NOT pick up my children from VBS (vacation bible school) because I use a service dog. 

I was once allowed to attend this church but as soon as I was issued my service dog I was told I was no longer welcomed with him.

This church broke California State Laws. California State Law demands that service dogs must be allowed at all public invited events at churches. 

We need awareness! This is not acceptable! If you or someone you know is DISABLED please sign this petition on their behalf to urge this church to lift their ban on service dogs. This is an issue of all disabled people because the law doesn't discriminate between medical equipment. Please help so that this doesn't happen to someone you love, or possibly yourself. If any press are reading this, I will gladly give my statement. Thank you for signing!

Atualização #18 anos atrás
Calvary Chapel Bible Fellowship Temecula,Ca still refuses to acknowledge me or the situation in any way. Further action will be taking place shortly and I will let everyone know the results of this action. I appreciate your continued support and please keep sharing!
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