STOP Australia from Killing Feral Cats

  • por: Alley Cat Rescue
  • destinatário: The Honorable Kim Beazley, Australian Ambassador
Please tell Australia's Ambassador to put an end to the ineffective and inhumane methods of killing feral cats. Tell him it is bad enough to "catch and kill" feral cats but to use "toxic pills" and "poison tunnels" is cruel.

Explain to him that the only effective and humane way to control feral cat populations is through trap-neuter-return (TNR) programs. Sterilization is the key to combating cat overpopulation and managing feral cat colonies.

We are respectfully asking you to STOP the use of ineffective and inhumane methods of controlling feral cats in Australia and to support effective, humane programs like trap-neuter-return (TNR).


Using %u201Ctoxic pills%u201D and %u201Cpoison tunnels%u201D to control feral cat populations is cruel and unnecessary. Cats are feed baited meat laced with toxic pills and lured into tunnels that spray a toxic substance onto the cat%u2019s stomach.


History has shown us that eradication or %u201Ccatch and kill%u201D attempts fail, because more cats quickly move into the vacated area and start the reproductive cycle over again. And, in most cases, eradication is counterproductive. In areas where feral cats are removed, the rodent populations explode, causing new %u201Cproblems%u201D to arise and further damage to ecosystems.


Why waste time and money utilizing OUT-DATED and CRUEL management practices to control feral cat populations, when rescue organizations are ALREADY helping to improve the situation and when HUMANE, NON-LETHAL methods of control exist?


We cannot change the mistakes of our past, but we can certainly change our future. If a species needs controlled in order to preserve another, then all humane, non-lethal methods should be utilized. In this day and age, everyone should be trying to instill more compassionate ethics towards the earth and all of its inhabitants. Please help us make a brighter future for feral cats, by supporting TNR.

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