Tell seaworld to release it's wild caught orcas

I've recently seen a few news articles of SeaWorld whales dieing or trying to kill themselves and it's time to end the horror! SeaWorld has been in trouble with the public and it's gotten worse after the documentary Black fish. They have stolen whales from the wild as babies and forced them to live in small tanks and perform tricks for our amusement. They often get depressed, sick and very aggressive with other tank mates!
The latest whale story I've seen was that of poor Morgan who while on loan to a Zoo (no animal should be 'loaned' in the first place) tried to kill herself by leaping onto the cement stage and refusing to even try to get back into the water. The ignorant owners claim this is "Natural behavior" but it's not. When whales beach themselves in the wild it's on accident and they try to get back into the water, they don't just give up! Not only that, but Morgan has shown other unnatural behavior by slamming her head repeatedly into a metal grate. If they think this is natural behavior then they don't know what a happy and healthy Orca whale actually does.
SeaWorld is seemingly trying to recover from the backlash of the movie and all the criticism from the public but I say they aren't doing enough soon enough. They need to let these while caught whales go back into the wild! Preferably with their other 'tank mates' so they may still be able to survive as a pod.
Here is the news article of poor Morgan:

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