As many of us already know, the Feds announced on March 28 that the rare Alaskan wolf might possibly be added to the list of endangered species.
This species of wolf is an isolated breed so it is limited in its range and breeding. Not to mention their diet of deer is also in decline as well as the places they make into homes, the trees, which are being logged. Action now is imperative.
Wolves are an integral and critical part of our ecosystem. They are a part of the delicate balance that exists today. We must act to protect these magnificent creatures. Their habitat is under siege. From logging to hunting and trapping, their numbers are declining faster than they can reproduce. If we do not let the US Fish and Wildlife know how important they are to all of us, to the ecosystem and to the continuation of many species, we may not get another opportunity to save them.
Will you act now to let the people in the position to make the difference know how very important this decision will be for all?