A California City Just Banned Pride Flags During Pride Month

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Downey City Council

In a disturbing move, the city of Downey, California, has banned the display of Pride flags on city property, bending to pressures from an anti-LGBTQ+ hate group. This decision is simply wrong – the flag restriction serves only to divide and stigmatize, creating an environment of exclusion and intolerance.

Sign the petition to demand the Downey City Council reverse this hateful Pride flag ban!

This ban, which undermines the values of diversity and inclusion, comes at a time when unity and public representation are more crucial than ever. The flag policy, which restricts what flags can be shown, was pushed forward despite strong opposition from community leaders, including Mayor Mario Trujillo and Councilmember Horacio Ortiz, who are both proud members of the LGBTQ+ community. Their voices, along with numerous residents and officials, have highlighted the policy's implicit bias and harmful implications.

Previously, Downey had embraced inclusivity by allowing commemorative flags, like the Pride flag, which was first raised three years ago. The reversal of this practice sends a chilling message to all who advocate for equality and those who rely on their leaders to uphold fundamental rights.

Sign this petition to urge the Downey City Council to overturn this regressive policy and reaffirm its commitment to and celebration of all its residents!

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