Stop Beth Evans from making money off abusing animals

Beth Evans owned a puppy mill business in Skagit County Washington between 2014 and 2016. Her animals were seized and taken to the local Humane Society where I worked at which time my co-workers and I were horrified by their condition but unfortunately Beth Evans won her court case and the animals were all returned to her however she was ordered to leave the county so she relocated to Mason County Washington where she continues to profit off her animals abuse.Tell Mason County prosecutor Tyler Bickerton we don't want Beth Evans to be able to continue profiting off the abuse of her animals she is not a responsible breeder and should not be allowed to continue selling animals.

Atualização #14 anos atrás
Please keep sharing!As of march 2021 Beth Evans continues her abuse of innocent animals and we are halfway to holding her accountable for that,I witnessed first hand the terrible conditions her animals were found in and was horrified when the surviving animals were returned to her and her practices were allowed to continue in mason county.
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