Tell Supermarket Chain to Stop Selling Endangered Reindeer

  • por: Animal Advocates
  • destinatário: Lidl Supermarket Chairman and CEO: Dieter Schwarz
Supermarket chain, Lidl, is selling reindeer meat in its British stores. Aside from the horror of roasting Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer for Christmas dinner, the reindeer is an endangered animal often herded by snowmobiles and in some cases by helicopters and motorbikes.

Europe's last wild reindeer are endangered and North America's herds face similar threats from development, conservationists say. Scientists with the United Nations Environment Program in Arendal, Norway, found a steep decline among Santa's hooved helpers (Rangifer tarandus tarandus).

They say the herd is threatened by the building of dams, mountain cabins and hydroelectric projects in its southern habitat.

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Tell Supermarket Chain to Stop Selling Endangered Reindeer

Lidl Dienstleistung GmbH & Co. KG
Chairman and CEO: Dieter Schwarz
RuFFFDe 30
74166 Neckarsulm, Germany 
Phone: 49-7132-30-6060

Supermarket chain, Lidl, is selling reindeer meat in its British stores. Aside from the horror of roasting Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer for Christmas dinner, the reindeer is an endangered animal often herded by snowmobiles and in some cases by helicopters and motorbikes.

Europe's last wild reindeer are endangered and North America's herds face similar threats from development, conservationists say. Scientists with the United Nations Environment Program in Arendal, Norway, found a steep decline among Santa's hooved helpers (Rangifer tarandus tarandus).

They say the herd is threatened by the building of dams, mountain cabins and hydroelectric projects in its southern habitat.

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