• por: Jesse Minaj
  • destinatário: Pet express shut down & to get a bill signed of these rights

So if you haven't been to this store or location... that's a good thing. The poor animals look heavily drugged & also anorexic. For the most part... when you walk in there, they look like they might be in coma's. That's how scary this is. Poor animals with no say in any of this, have to endure the pain! It takes a voice! A strong voice... to stand up for these babies and fight for what's right! We need to make a difference in this world and fight for the living who can't fight for theirselves. Let's shut this place down and make sure these animals go to a safe place or home! Everyone deserve safety. I don't think that this place is safe at all! I want to be able to do something about this! Follow me and let's get these idiots shut down!!!! We need to be the VOICE! 

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