Stop Mandai Development Project

  • por: may may
  • destinatário: Prime Minister of Singapore, ACRES, Nature Society (Singapore), Tourists

Singapore has already lost 90 per cent of its natural forest cover due to merciless urbanization and many other animals have remained extinct including wild tigers, leopards, birds and plants. The current surviving species are dwindling each day having difficulty in foraging and finding a home.

The 35 ha Mandai Development Project in Singapore is encroaching the secondary forest in nature reserve to turn it into nature attractions which includes relocation of a bird park to make the area more crowded with tourists, polluted with human activities and scaring away the animals living there with their construction. Road kill might be more common. All of this “development” is for profit and there is absolutely no need to make an area that is already natural into a nature attraction. Wildlife Reserve Singapore cares more about money than protecting wildlife and restoring natural environment.

This defeats the purpose of nature conservation and letting animals thrive in the wild instead of enclosures when the very zoos in Singapore that advocate for wildlife habitat protection are destroying the original tranquillity and ecosystem. It will become like the many dead parks and nature reserves that is constructed with board walks and other artificial facilities. These areas are highly disturbed with human activities. There is no need for another Garden by the Bay model or animal enclosures which promotes ignorance about the interactions in nature. Ask Prime Minister of Singapore to stop the Mandai Development Project to protect the last homes of wildlife in Singapore. Animals that are not sustainable in the wild cannot be sustained by the zoos and other enclosure facilities. Please help me spread the petition to your friends and family. Thanks!!

The 35 ha Mandai Development Project in Singapore is encroaching the secondary forest in nature reserve to turn it into nature attractions which includes relocation of a bird park to make the area more crowded with tourists, polluted with human activities and scaring away the animals living there with their construction. All of this “development” is for profit and there is absolutely no need to make an area that is already natural into a nature attraction. Wildlife Reserve Singapore cares more about money than protecting wildlife and restoring natural environment.

This defeats the purpose of nature conservation and letting animals thrive in the wild instead of enclosures when the very zoos in Singapore that advocate for wildlife habitat protection are destroying the original tranquillity and ecosystem. It will become like the many dead parks and nature reserves that is constructed with board walks and other artificial facilities. These areas are highly disturbed with human activities. There is no need for another Garden by the Bay model or animal enclosures which promotes ignorance about the interactions in nature. Ask Prime Minister of Singapore to stop the Mandai Development Project to protect the last homes of wildlife in Singapore. Animals that are not sustainable in the wild cannot be sustained by the zoos and other enclosure facilities.

Atualização #39 anos atrás
Nature Society (Singapore) submitted our feedback report on the STB Project at Mandai Lake Road to the authorities in 2007, including our proposals to site the project elsewhere. This report is up on our website (as a revolving banner on our homepage) and now includes a three-page preface written in 2014 after the revised proposals were announced. We are engaged with the various stakeholders to prevent disturbances to this vital wildlife corridor between the adjacent nature reserves.
Atualização #210 anos atrás
Please help to spread the petition through your friends, social media and texting.
Atualização #110 anos atrás
ACRES is currently carrying out the Environmental Impact Assesment (EIA) in the Mandai area and is in discussions with the stakeholders of the project to prevent environmental destruction and wildlife disturbance. The struggle for wildlife is not over yet. Please help to share and continue to sign the petition before time runs out. The development cannot go on and get approved. The EIA will be made available to the public at a later date.
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