URGENT: Save the Klamath National Forests from Logging Companies.

  • destinatário: Forest Service Chief Tim Tidwell

The wild forests and watersheds of the Klamath have never needed your help more than now. With the smoke still clearing from this summer's wildfires, the Klamath National Forest is already pushing an extreme logging proposal that would clearcut thousands of acres of recovering post-fire forests, old-growth reserves, and roadless wildlands.

Scientists are united in acknowledging the need for fire is fire-evolved forests and the irreversible damage of logging sensitive post-fire areas, the Klamath National Forest is racing full tilt to turn much of the forest into industrial fiber plantations for the benefit of the timber industry.
Their rush to log across the landscape is so extreme that they intend to bend the rules and shut the public out of the planning process while ignoring impacts to watersheds, wildlife, and wildlands. Please stand with us and ask the Chief of the Forest Service to ensure that the Klamath National Forest listens to the scientists and follows our nation's laws.
TAKE ACTION: Urge Forest Service Chief Tim Tidwell to not allow an "Emergency Situational Declaration" to fast track destructive post-fire logging at the expense of precious wildlands.

Chief Tidwell,

Forest fires should not be used as an excuse to ignore science and shut out the public. It is my understanding that the Klamath National Forest is fast-tracking a massive salvage clear cutting proposal to convert thousands of acres of public lands into fiber plantations. These lands include Inventoried Roadless Areas, Late Successional Reserves, Key Watersheds for salmon recovery, and forests located on extremely steep and unstable slopes.

It is time for the Klamath National Forest to work with the public and scientists to recover, rather than exploit, forests that belong to all Americans.

Please reject the request of the Klamath National Forest to begin clear cutting these forests prior to any meaningful review process. Please note that the Goosenest Ranger District has shown that the Klamath National Forest can manage post-fire forests while protecting conservation values and respecting our nation's laws. Unlike the massive "Westside" timber sale proposed by the Supervisor's Office, the "Little Deer" timber sale avoids steep slopes, roadless areas, and old-growth reserves while retaining a meaningful "objection" process (that will likely not be utilized).

The "Emergency Determination Request" by the Klamath National Forest for the "Westside" timber sale is designed to preclude meaningful review while the Forest Service clearcuts the most sensitive of landscapes. The Goosenest District has shown that there is a better way forward. Please encourage science-based collaborative outcomes for post-fire forests rather than rubber stamping a short-sighted rush to turn much of the Klamath National Forest into fiber plantations.


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