Supporting the Alaska Cultural Trust

    Dear Members of the 34th Alaska State Legislature,

    Alaska possesses a rich cultural heritage, and that heritage is an incredible asset to our state and its citizenry. The Alaska Arts and Culture Foundation in collaboration with the Alaska State Council on the Arts have established the Alaska Cultural Trust to ensure that access to arts and culture “unique to Alaska” is sustained for future generations, and to provide sufficient funds for the ongoing advancement of art and culture in the state.
    The Alaska Cultural Trust is the state’s first public trust dedicated solely to supporting arts and culture in Alaska and will leverage a public-private partnership to create a sustainable trust for future generations.

    The Alaska Cultural Trust aims to empower, embrace and celebrate our culture through the arts, heritage and humanities of Alaska. The creation of the Alaska Cultural Trust is intended to provide a consistent funding stream that builds upon and augments the current support for Alaska’s arts and culture sector. The Alaska Cultural Trust will also help spur economic opportunities and community development for arts and culture organizations, artists and others and will contribute to the development of a more robust and diverse state economy.

    We, the undersigned, recognize the significance and positive impact the Alaska Cultural Trust will provide for all Alaskans both now and in the future. Furthermore, we strongly encourage the 34th Alaska State Legislature to invest in the Alaska Cultural Trust by making a meaningful legislative appropriation, signifying statewide public support for Alaska’s cherished and unique cultural heritage and serving as a strong incentive for other philanthropic individuals and organizations to support the Alaska Cultural Trust.

    We ask that you invest in the artistic and cultural health and well-being of all Alaskans by funding the Alaska Cultural Trust.
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