STOP the Proposed Belvedere Fuel Farm in Ormond Beach

Through this petition, we voice our unwavering opposition to the construction of Belvedere's Fuel Farm at 874 Hull Avenue in Ormond Beach. The planned fuel farm will consist of 16 tanks, some 40 feet tall, that will store more than 20 million gallons of gasoline, diesel, ethanol, biodiesel, additives, and propane and will feed a constant stream of tanker trucks (164 trucks per day). We oppose the massive fuel farm for the following reasons: 

1. Proximity to residential neighborhoods: 
* Bear Creek Retirement Community: 0.65 mi
* Ormond Lakes Neighborhood: 0.87 mi
* Ormond Grande Townhomes: 1.2 mi
* Village of Pine Run: 2 mi

2. Property Values. The presence of a massive fuel farm near residential neighborhoods may negatively impact home values. Homebuyers may see this area as a risky investment.

3. Proximity to Ormond Beach Municipal Airport. The fuel farm will be 1 Mile away from the airport runway. The airport averages 119,000 operations (takeoffs or landings) per year and provides flight instruction to student pilots. This increases the risk of potential collisions, which in turn would result in catastrophic explosions and loss of life.

4. Proximity to Ormond Beach Sports Complex. Within a mile of the proposed fuel farm is the Ormond Beach Sports Complex, which includes 29 sports fields, walking and bike path, playground picnic area, and pavilion. Every year thousands of families use the complex for a wide variety of sports and activities. The massive fuel farm would be walking distance to the complex, which puts children and families at risk of health problems associated with inhaling dangerous chemicals, as well as potential catastrophic events, such as fuel tank explosions.

5. Traffic and Noise Concerns. Tanker trucks filled with fuel will be making deliveries 24 hours a day (164 trucks per day). The truck route will be from Harmony Road to Hull Road, and out to U.S. 1, where there is no light signal. This will lead to increased congestion and traffic collisions. Traffic problems would be further escalated during bike week, and other similar events.

6. Air quality. Fuel farms release harmful chemicals during fuel storage, transfer, and loading operations. These chemicals can cause a variety of health problems including eye, nose, and throat irritation; headaches and loss of coordination; damage to the liver, kidneys, or central nervous system. Fuel farm emissions, such as benzene, are known to cause cancer.

7. Spills and Leaks. Fuel farms are at risk of spills and leaks, which can release large amounts of pollutants into the environment. Spilled fuels can contaminate soil, groundwater, and surface water, posing risks to aquatic ecosystems, drinking water supplies, and nearby communities.

8. Fire and Explosion Hazards. Fuel farms store flammable and combustible materials making them highly susceptible to fire and explosion hazards. Numerous incidents of fuel farm damage have been documented due to natural disasters (ex: hurricanes), floods, fires, lightning strikes, and human errors. The proximity of the OB Municipal Airport to the fuel farm makes this an even greater threat. 

Please protect our community by signing this petition to stop the construction of the Belvedere Fuel Farm in Ormond Beach.

Atualização #5cerca de um ano atrás
40,000+ signatures! Thank you! On February 6th, the Volusia County Council voted to DENY the moratorium which would have put a 9-month pause on all new heavy industrial developments in the county (including the fuel farm) while the heavy industrial zoning was assessed. This was a huge blow to our community, but we will NOT stop fighting. If you're in the area, please join the FUEL FARM PROTEST, February 14th, 11am; location: 1640 Dr Martin Luther King Blvd, Deltona, FL. Keep spreading the word!
Atualização #4cerca de um ano atrás
We've reached 30,000 petitions! While opposition from residents continues to grow, Belvedere is moving forward with their plans. We desperately need our County to change the zoning of the site from "heavy industrial" to a more appropriate zoning (e.g., agricultural). We've written a letter to our County Representatives urging them to do just that. If you live in Volusia County, would you take a moment and add your name to it? Link to the letter:
Atualização #3cerca de um ano atrás
We've reached the 25k mark -- THANK YOU! While we are making significant progress at the local level, Belvedere appears to be moving forward with their project despite the widespread opposition. Would you take a minute today to write Governor DeSantis an email urging him to stop Belvedere's proposed Fuel Farm Project at 874 Hull Rd., Ormond Beach? The link to the Governor's email is: Let's flood his inbox and make our voices heard. Together we can stop this!
Atualização #21 anos atrás
We've passed the 8k mark! Thank you to every single one of you for taking the time to sign! I challenge you to get at least ONE friend to sign this petition today -- this simple act could double our petition number!

It's almost time for the COUNTY MEETING! We need as many people to participate as possible to send a STRONG message that residents of Ormond Beach (and beyond) OPPOSE this massive fuel farm!

Meeting details:
Address: 123 W. Indiana Ave., DeLand
Time: 5:30pm

Thank you!
Atualização #11 anos atrás
Thank you for taking the time to sign the petition to STOP the fuel farm from being built in Ormond Beach. We have over 1300 petitions so far but we need at least 5000 before the upcoming County Council meeting. Please continue sharing the petition with everyone in your network (they don't need to live in OB) and if possible attend the County Council Meeting in Deland (August 23 at 5:30 pm). Our voice is what will stop this massive fuel farm from destroying our beautiful community. Thank you!
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