Expel Matt Gaetz from Congress!

Congress has been presented with a rare opportunity for bipartisanship with the GOP's push to expel right-wing radical and political firestarter Matt Gaetz from the House.

The man recklessly spearheading the push to shut down the government in order to extract horrendous cuts to the social safety net has irritated his own colleagues to the point where they themselves are looking to kick him out if the ethics committee comes back with a guilty verdict in their investigation of the disturbing allegations against Gaetz for campaign finance violations, drug use, and accepting bribes.

Kick Matt Gaetz out of Congress!

In the meantime, Gaetz has vowed to bring up his own vote to kick Speaker McCarthy out of his leadership position in revenge for McCarthy doing his job, keeping the government funded, and preventing thousands of workers from missing paychecks.
The moderate wing of the GOP has had enough of Gaetz's shenanigans, and Democrats should join with them to send this unhinged insurrectionist and accused sexual predator packing.

Expel Matt Gaetz from Congress!

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