Demand That Twitter Remove Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Immediately

  • por: Judy Molland
  • destinatário: Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter

Alex Jones is an extremely dangerous voice in the world. His Infowars site has promoted some ludicrous theories: Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are demons that smell like sulphur, and the government put flouride in our water to make frogs gay.

But he has also declared the Sandy Hook school shooting to be a hoax, causing 'truthers' to hound many of the grieving parents. He also declared, as an "incontrovertible fact," that three million illegals voted in the 2016 presidential election.

YouTube, Apple, Facebook and Spotify have all removed Jones from their platforms, but Twitter has not.

We are calling on Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, to remove Alex Jones immediately.

Atualização #16 anos atrás
A step in the right direction, Twitter has banned Alex Jones, but only for 1 week. It’s not enough to give him a time out, he must be removed entirely. Keep sharing the petition, our pressure is working!
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