Recently, small dogs have been bitten and even killed in Liberty Village and nearby parks.
We would like the city to only use humane no kill solutions. Shooting, Coneybear trapping, leghold trapping, and snaring traumatize the public and put domestic animals and children at risk.
The real issue is not the coyotes, but residents feeding coyotes. The City of Toronto has a feeding ban, yet Toronto Animal Services is not available between 1am to 6am. If a resident is feeding coyotes at 5am, no one is enforcing the ban. Because of a lack of reliable Animal Services, gaurdians who let their dogs off leash and people who feed coyotes are not being consistently fined. Allowing dogs off leash throughout Liberty Village will only make things much worse. Most coyote incidents are from off leash dog interactions. And in cases of dogs being attacked while on leash, this is due to coyotes developing a dog phobia from previous negative off leash encounters. There are also holes in fences that coyotes are getting through. Instead of promoting removal, promote the feeding ban, fix the fences, enforce leash laws, and educate people on humane hazing to educate the coyotes already living in Liberty Village. Please work with and to promote a humane coexistence.
We would like the city to work with and to educate the public and train animals to avoid people. If this is not possible, we would like animals to be relocated with a permit, but only as a last resort, with humane live capture methods employed by a wildlife rehabilitation centre. In 2021, a nuisance coyote in a Toronto cemetery was darted and relocated to a legitimate captive sanctuary (Aspen Valley Wildlife Centre). He was later released when he became wild again.
However, relocating, like with killing, doesn't solve the real problem. Other coyotes will replace them. Coyotes are extremely difficult to capture humanely in cages, nets, or by tranquillizer. Legholds and snares, common trapping methods, are cruel. Removal is not practical. And many coyotes who are relocated die from interactions with other animals, or get into trouble with humans elsewhere.
We would like to see Toronto maintain a 100% non lethal approach to human coyote conflicts.
Killing coyotes never works, as seen in this other petition regarding Vancouver's Stanley Park's lethal approach to fed coyotes biting people.'s-coyotes/
Atualização #52 anos atrás
Toronto will have a city wide feeding ban as of April 1, 2023!
Atualização #42 anos atrás
Toronto is developing a city wide feeding ban! Email before July 6, and before July 19.
Atualização #32 anos atrás
Toronto is developing a city wide feeding ban! Email and before the June 15 city council meeting.
Atualização #23 anos atrás
Today, Toronto Police shot a female coyote after minor bite incidents. .Please email and and ask that they no longer kill coyotes as a response to coyotes biting people.
Atualização #13 anos atrás
Partial VICTORY! The Toronto coyote has been rescued and brought to a permanent captive wildlife sanctuary. While we would have preferred he be able to stay in the wild, at least he is safe. (There is no update on the Oshawa coyotes).