Animal abuse registries should be made mandatory

Animal abuse is happening everyday we need to put an end to the abuse and suffering our animals endure.

Our animals are companions they give us comfort, joy and love and only want to be loved and cared for in return not much to ask.

There needs to be justice for our animals starting with stiffer sentences such as jail time, heavy fines, as well as be forbidden from ever owning another animal again and be registered with an animal abuse registry this should be made mandatory.

There are child abuse registries for offenders that is mandatory, animal abuse registries should also be made mandatory for offenders anything less than that is unacceptable.


Prime Minister Stephen Harper 

Sadly, we hear of animal abuse and animal neglect on an oongoing basis somewhere in the world everyday this is uunacceptable.

Animals have every right to be protected from animal abuse and neglect just like our children do, there are child abuse registries that are mandatory, there should also be animal abuse registries for all of our animals.

We, the people are demanding that there be animal abuse registries put in place to protect all of our animals companion and farm they have a right to be free of abuse.

Lets work together to put an end to abuse and neglect of our animals and set a good example for the rest of the world so they will also follow in our footsteps.

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