Do our 'clicks to donate' to breast cancer fund research that experiments and tests on animals?

Care2 animal lovers do not want to 'click to donate' to research that experiments and tests on animals!

Dear Care 2 members and visitors

My passion is the welfare and rights of animals.

I like to 'click to donate' when I visit this site but given my passion for animals I am very concerned about' clicking to donate' to breast cancer research.  When we click to cure breast cancer 100% of the donations go to the Susan G. Komen organisation to manage and support breast cancer research.

By signing this petition you will be asking the Care2 Management team to investigate and advise us if Susan G. Komen uses the money we donate to support research that experiments and tests on animals.

I have asked Care2 this question before but have received no response from them.  So please join me in asking again.

When this petition closes, I will send it to the Care2 Management team and advise you all of their answer to this vital question.  If they can not assure us that our donations do not go to research that experiments and tests on animals - then I hope you will join me again in taking further action.

Dear Care 2 Management team

We the undersigned care deeply about the welfare and rights of animals.

IAs such we are very concerned about' clicking to donate' to breast cancer research.  When we click to cure breast cancer 100% of the donations go to the Susan G. Komen organisation to manage and support breast cancer research.

We ask the yout to investigate and advise us if Susan G. Komen uses the money we donate to support research that experiments and tests on animals?

Susan Griffiths has told us she will submit this petition to you and  advise us all your answer to this vital question.

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