Demand an end to canned lion hunting

  • por: Cathy Bussi
  • destinatário: President Jacob Zuma South Africa

South Africa only has about 3000 wild lions left. The other 65% are captive and the majority are bred for hunting.

These lions are kept in fenced fields for what is known as "canned hunting". Rich, brain-dead people come from all over the world, spend a fortune at these farms and having shot a trapped lion, then return home with their trophy (sometimes a lion cub), and think they are such great hunters!

Please sign this petition and help stop this dreadful murder of innocent animals and close down the "canned hunting farms"

Atualização #110 anos atrás
'The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.' Mahatma Ghandhi

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