Major Fast Food Chains are Serving Meals Contaminated with Toxic Chemicals and Plastics

Some of the most popular food chains in the country -- frequented by millions of Americans each day -- are feeding us food filled with toxic chemicals and plastics. McDonald's, Pizza Hut, and Chipotle were just a few of the restaurants that a disturbing new study found to contain industrial chemicals called phthalates which have been linked to serious health issues!

 Sign now to tell the FDA: regulate toxic phthalates in the food industry!

Phthalates can cause a number of wide-ranging, and sometimes debilitating, health problems. Studies have linked their exposure to many conditions, from behavioral and attention disorders in children to endocrine system disruption and even infertility. Some phthalates are banned from toys and other products that children frequently come into contact with. Yet the FDA currently has no legal thresholds which limit phthalate concentrations in food! So, it is unsafe for children to touch these chemicals, but safe for us to eat them?

In many communities where grocery stores are limited and fresh produce is scarce, major fast food chains are the most accessible and affordable option. This is especially true of rural areas, low-income communities, and neighborhoods predominately made up of people of color. While the country's richest and most privileged have a nearly unlimited array of food options, in a lot of parts of the country, McDonald's is the nearest and cheapest option. Being able to consume food that isn't contaminated with dangerous toxins should be a human right. 

We must put pressure on regulatory bodies like the FDA to limit the amount of phthalate in our foods. This is an issue of public health, but also an injustice against communities that are more constrained in their food options. Sign now to ensure the FDA takes action!
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