It has come to my attention that many people get rid of their dog or cat through having little money. They may have growing kids. Bigger bills,a loss of income,a disaster like getting flood damage,fire or burgled. They may be forced to work and cannot care for their pet the same. A baby is born and money is stretched to the limit. Therefore a pet fund( money to keep the dog or cat in the family.) This would hopefully stop so many dogs getting put into shelters That end up euthanizing them. Perhaps also getting into the wrong hands if sold on or given away. Owners need to realize a dog or cat is for life. The life of their dog. If they are not willing to do this they should not get a dog or cat on a whim careful thought is needed. However if it is simply because of money they feel they need to get rid. These people should be helped to keep their pets. Please sign my petition to help this happen. Thank you.
Dear Heads of States,
i am writing to ask that you help families who have financial Difficulty in looking after a much loved pet. I feel this would stop dogs and cats ending up in Dog shelters and if people can keep their pets. It will reduce the number of animals needing rehomed and placed in Rescue Centres.
I wasn't aware that so many cats and dogs were killed even in European Countries. Animals need this help. As well as people love these animals and are broken hearted if they are forced to rehome.
Funds should come from The National Lottery and other charitable organizations in what ever charity or money is available in each country.
As a country of animal lovers this would alleviate Dog/Cat shelters it would cut down on kill shelters and cure the puppy/kitten scam that has been happening round all our countries.
Dogs and cats are so reliant on humans and they deserve help to stay within families and their own home.
Means testing is a must but I really think this would help a lot of people and their pets.
Your sincerely,
Bree Tait. B.A.hons.
Atualização #29 anos atrás
I have decided to close this petition through lack of support to it. Thank you so much all who signed.
I will be making a new petition which I feel will fight the problem that is distressing to me which is owners Dumping their old dog in Rescues knowing there is little chance for them to get adopted and a much increased chance of being Euthenized.
Atualização #19 anos atrás
Hi Folks,
I have changed the wording describing my petition to make it more clear what I am aiming for
I really would like this petition to work as I am sure dogs and cats would be saved from the horror of their poor dog or cat suffering from losing their home and help people getting spared the heartache of having to lose their much loved pets