This Poor Black Bear Was Euthanized Because People Left Food Out For It, So They Could Make Videos...

Don't you think it should be illegal to bait animals so that they can be filmed?

Add your name if you want to make this happen ASAP!

"A B.C. black bear who was well-known to residents on the North Shore has now been killed by Conservation Officers.

"The North Shore Black Bear Society says humans are to blame.

"The society has been tracking the progress of the bear, named Huckleberry due to his penchant for the fruit, since July 2.

"They said the bear was often seen in the Deep Cove area on the North Shore but was always easy to move on and society staff often walked Huckleberry back into the forest," reported MSN.

A bunch of ignorant people left food out for him, and then started following poor Huckleberry around, trying to take videos...

Afterwards, he was tranquilized by conservation officers and euthanized!

"The Conservation Service has long said destroying bears is reserved for bears that become conditioned to human food, adding non-lethal solutions often don't change animal behaviour," according to the same article.

Enough is enough.

If we allow selfish people to continue doing things like this, more innocent animals will suffer and die as a result.

That's why we're asking every member of the U.S. Senate, as well as the Parliament of Canada, to implement legislation that would illegalize the baiting of wildlife for the purpose of producing pictures or film!

Don't you want to prevent the deaths of more innocent creatures, like Huckleberry?

Then add your name to help put a stop to baiting of wildlife!

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