Don't leave Aravali Hill open for real estate

  • por: Kim Juriya
  • destinatário: Haryana government
The Gurgaon government has asked the state government to leave the Aravli hills out of the natural conservation zones. Administrators say that protectingthe Aravali hills will effect the states' developmentThe Haryanan government will make their final decision on 17th December.

Activists fear of the irreparable damage caused if the Araveli foothills are damaged. Not only does it have a large variety of mammals, it is considered the 'lungs of the NCR.' These hills are also vital in providing a water supply to NCRs. Damaging these hills will damage the water supply.

Despite horrific floods due to climate change such as the Chennai floods, governments don't seem to learn. PLEASE SiGN To PREVENT HORRIBLE ECOLOGiCAL DAMAGe
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