Demand a Clean, Private Place for Breastfeeding Mothers in the 30th Street Station

I'm a working mom of two who breastfed both children. When my youngest was eight months old, I traveled on Amtrak from my home in Philadelphia to New Haven. Being away from my son that long meant that I needed to pump every few hours to avoid swollen, leaking, and painful breasts.

When I asked about where I could pump on the train, I was told by one Amtrak employee, "we don't accommodate for that." Another told me that I could "use the handicapped bathroom." And if that weren't bad enough, there wasn't a clean, private place with a plug for me to pump in Philadelphia's Amtrak-owned 30th Street Station before getting on the train either.

I'm so disappointed in Amtrak's lack of hospitality and thought in this area. The 30th Street Station is one of the busiest intercity passenger railroad facilities in the country. Over four million Amtrak passengers go through the station each year. And yet there are no lactation rooms or Mamava pods to accommodate the needs of women who need to pump while traveling without their child.

I am tired of all the unnecessary difficulties that I experienced as a lactating mother and that my friends who currently pump and nurse still experience. It would be so easy for Amtrak to support breastfeeding, which provides an important public health benefit for our country's children.

So please sign my petition to demand that Amtrak provide lactation rooms or Mamava pods in Philadelphia's 30th Street Station. No woman should be forced to sit on a toilet while she produces milk to feed her child.

Atualização #27 anos atrás
This morning The Philadelphia Inquirer published this great article about my campaign! And yesterday we sent Amtrak thousands of emails demanding lactation facilities at the 30th Street Station. But despite all of that, Amtrak's response to my petition has been completely dismissive. Every signature on my petition sends an email to Amtrak, so please encourage others to sign. Then call 1-800-USA-RAIL to give them a piece of your mind!
Atualização #17 anos atrás
Have you been forced to pump while sitting on a public restroom toilet? Do you want to fight back to demand that public places like train stations and airports provide a clean, private space with a plug for pumping moms? Then start your own petition and email the link to Lacey Kohlmoos at And check out the Mamava mobile app for info on pumping-friendly places while you're on the go.
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