Bring Back Varsity High School Hockey to the Spooner Area

The Spooner Area Youth Hockey Association (SAYHA) is asking The Spooner Area School District and The Spooner School Board to reinstate administering the Spooner Area Varsity Hockey Program in Spooner, WI. This Co-op would consist of Spooner, Northwoods, Shell Lake and Cumberland.

From 1991-2013 The Spooner Area School District (SASD) administered a Varsity Hockey Program and then administered the Co-op from 2013-2016.  Changes have occurred that make a Varsity Hockey Program in the Spooner Area viable again. These changes are:
1) Youth hockey participation has grown to a level that is consistent and sustainable for the number of players needed to feed a SASD Varsity program.
2) The Spooner Civic Center is open and able to accommodate high school action. Additionally, Cumberland has a viable rink for usage if needed.
3) The Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) has made a change in its rules where it will be splitting to 2 divisions for the 2019-2020 season. With Spooner expected to be in division 2, there would be a greater opportunity at postseason play.

The Spooner Area Community has had a long history of hockey and would once again like to cheer on a Varsity Team in Spooner. Please sign this petition to let the school administrators and the school board know that you would be in support of a Varsity High School Hockey Team!

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