Prosecute three men for stabbing a chained dog to death !!!

  • por: Aya Elalfy
  • destinatário: Egyptian judiciary system

On the 24th of February, one of the most disgusting, heartless crimes was committed by 3 young men to a dog. In one of Egypt's busy districts, these 3 merciless men chained a dog named Max to a street lamp and kept stabbing and hacking him with knives till Max laid dead on the ground in a pond of his own blood. 

  Max had bitten eight people to protect his owner, Sayed, when Sayed got engaged in a fight with his 3 neighbors earlier, and in order to drop the charges against Sayed , the 3 suspects forced him to hand over Max. Cutting off an innocent dog's flesh and shedding his blood was considered sweet revenge by these 3 heartless criminals.
Although they were arrested on the 26th of February, Farid al-Deeb, a prominent lawyer and legal expert, said that the suspects could face a maximum of only six months in prison if they are tried and convicted.
   This is nowhere near fair ! This, if we let it go, would be a betrayal to our human values and mercy. So, please sign this petition for a harsher sentence for these criminals, at least 5 years in prison. This will not only discourage them from committing any similar act in the future, but will also discourage animal cruelty in Egypt overall. My words are definitely not descriptive enough of how terrible the killing was ,so please, if you can handle its brutality, watch the video on this link
   We are the voices of these voiceless, innocent animals. Let's protect them. Let's help end animal cruelty!

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