Protect Open Space along Half Moon Bay’s Coastside Blufftops

Half Moon Bay has some of the most breathtaking, accessible open space anywhere in California. Along our coastal trails we enjoy seeing raptors, harbor seals, blue herons, egrets and other wildlife as well as views of the Pacific as far as the eye can see. Yet, our outdoor recreational treasures are at risk.

The Pilarcitos Bridge, which connects our coastside communities in the enjoyment of these resources, could be out of commission for more than two years. And, as part of the General Plan revision process, the City Council has hired consultants that appear to be making it easier to develop our coastal lands. 

The consultants have interviewed stakeholders that include multiple developers and real estate agents (see report here, list of stakeholders on pg. 25) who cite difficulties building “planned unit development” in Half Moon Bay.
Yet, the consultants have failed to spend equal time interviewing stakeholders in the community who want to keep our open space open. Their report lacks clear recommendations that would prioritize preserving open space west of Highway 1 from the Ritz to the Harbor. On the contrary, the majority of debate during City Council Meetings and their key planning issues (p.2) are focused on removing barriers to development, including in our open space.
Please tell the City Council that you love Half Moon Bay’s open space and outdoor opportunities. They should keep our recreational trails in tip-top shape and protect our existing open space for the enjoyment of local residents and visitors.

We request that the City of Half Moon Bay keep our open space open, accessible and usable for the community at large. This includes making the preservation and restoration public trails, bridges and pedestrian infrastructure a top priority. The city should not faciliate development or make changes to the zoning West of Highway 1 that impact undeveloped open space (not infill lots).

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