Stop or Postpone Mass Mosquito Gene Drive on Bali
We invite you, the environmentally and socially-concerned men and women
of Bali, Indonesia and the wider world to add your voice to this petition for
Transparency, Safety, and Deeper Consideration
the release of 200 million Wolbachia Bacteria-infected mosquito eggs in Denpasar, scheduled for November 13, 2023.
The release was casually announced via Instagram, only one month ago
But unexpected impacts, on the environment and human health, will be permanent.
Outline and evidence the urgent need for a Due Diligence process
to assign Financial, Legal and Operational Liability
For the mosquito program
Summary of unacceptable risks:
Are the World Mosquito Program, researchers, funders, mosquito manufacturers and universities financially liable, if it goes wrong or doesn't work?
Diseases and damages will be nearly impossible to trace.
We need Bali's Environmental Protection Agency and a relevant Competent Authority, before any release, to declare the extent of their liability or veto the release. We demand clarity on who is protected from liability as well.
Did a mosquito release generate a more dangerous variant of zika?
Did Dengue vaccines in the Philippines cause a deadly variant of the measles?
Wolbachia Bacteria feeds parasites that worsen the tropical diseases which the releases are supposed to reduce.
Wolbachia can cause Elephantiasis and River Blindness.
In Sri Lanka, there is a mosquito larvae crisis and Dengue cases have doubled since the mass mosquito release 2021. (Crisis24 - Sri Lanka Elevated Dengue Fever Activity).
In Yogyakarta trial, researchers acknowledge increases in spread
Non-disclosure of the use of Wolbachia (IP) Internet Protocol Technology in the Bali mosquitoes is a matter for National Security.
Wolbachia Bacteria (Natural) and Wolbachia IP Technology (Artificial Intelligence):
AU_Scaling up model .pdf
The WMP claim that their Wolbachia Bacteria and mosquitoes are both natural and not genetically modified.
However, inserting an IP technology; using automated micro injection to insert a bacteria; and creating a Gene drive all require genetic engineering.
"Toxic mosquito aerial release system", patent details of which can be found at
this reference.
"Right to computerize the human body. Method and apparatus for transmitting power and data", Unified Patents. Bill Gates' Patent: US-6754472-B1
Vertical Transmission of Disease in Eggs:
It is well documented that mosquito eggs carry Dengue and other diseases. This knowledge of Vertical Gene Transfer, from generation to generation, should prevent approval to ever mass release eggs.,female%20mosquito%20to%20her%20eggs.
Zika found:,when%20horizontal%20transmission%20is%20difficult.
Hundreds of millions of eggs are planned for distribution in Bali, imported with their additional undetected disease pathogens.
WMPs goal is not to decrease the population of mosquito but to spread them.
Please sign if you want Due Diligence done before this release.
Your Name: _____________________
Date: _____________________
Email Address: _____________________
P.S. Please share this petition with friends, family, and colleagues.
We will present the results by way of a public consultation to the authorities, to inform decision-making.
If you have any questions or wish to contribute further, please feel free to contact us at
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