I am writing on behalf of a Tricolored Alaskan Husky # A 288624 who is being held by Memphis Animal Services, Memphis TN without just cause to be euthanized on July 26th. He was adopted from the Memphis kill shelter for one day then returned for chewing some window blinds. When the adopters were told they would have to wait 2 days to surrender him they then claimed that he nibbled them to force the shelter to take him back. The Operations Manager is using the bite rule to hold him and kill him on the 26th. There are many Ready, Willing and Able adopters

Atualização #18 anos atrás
Everyone one of you should be proud of yourselves! This dog is now going to live because you all took the time to sign this petition. This dog's name is Nyrokum and Hogan Husky Hero's are picking him up tomorrow morning.
On behalf of Nyrokum the Husky "Thank you all for saving my life".
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