Help Legalize Street Food in Atlanta!

Calling All Concerned Citizens to Help Legalize Street Food!

As a coalition of vendors, businesspeople, and street food enthusiasts, we demand safe, affordable, and legal access to street food in Atlanta, the surrounding metro area, and the state of Georgia.

Please help persuade local and state lawmakers to revise current restrictive vending ordinances that hinder the flourishing of street food culture and to implement a regulatory system  encouraging sidewalk and roadway entrepreneurship.

Support the establishment of a food cart zone in downtown Atlanta where the current draconian regulations will not apply.

Help jump start a thriving urban street food scene that brings casual, affordable, delicious food options to our streets and promote the city itself as a food culture destination. Spread the word about the integral role street vendors could play in rejuvenating the life and economy of Atlanta through the creation of viable business opportunities and jobs for Atlantans.

Sign this petition and be part of a movement for a positive change in our mobile food system!

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