Stop Cruelty Against Tennessee Walking Horses!

  • por: Chris Wolverton
  • destinatário: United States Department of Agriculture

Tennessee Walking Horses endure a number of cruelties to create an artificial "entertaining" prance.

Some trainers use soring -- the intentional mutilation of a horse's legs and hooves -- to create a high-stepping gait that judges reward. The practice involves rubbing irritating chemicals into a horse's limbs. An even worse form of soring, known as pressure soring, involves cutting off part of a horse's hoof and nailing on a shoe. All forms of soring cause excruciating pain to the animal. Though soring is technically illegal, laws against it are often not enforced.

Another form of cruelty is weighting the horses' shoes. Trainers fit show horses with heavy, uncomfortable shoes to exaggerate their gait. This practice remains legal despite the pain it causes horses.

Please sign the petition to urge the USDA to take a stand against the cruelty and pain these majestic, gentle creatures endure. Sign the petition to urge the USDA to make shoe weighting illegal and step up measures to enforce laws against soring!

I am concerned about the numerous cruelties that Tennessee Walking Horses endure to create an artificial high-stepping prance for entertainment purposes.

Some trainers use soring -- the intentional mutilation of a horse's legs and hooves -- to create a high-stepping gait that judges reward. The practice involves rubbing irritating chemicals into a horse's limbs. An even worse form of soring, known as pressure soring, involves cutting off part of a horse's hoof and nailing on a shoe. All forms of soring cause excruciating pain to the animal. Though soring is technically illegal, laws against it are often not enforced.

Another form of cruelty is weighting the horses' shoes. Trainers fit show horses with heavy, uncomfortable shoes to exaggerate their gait. This practice remains legal despite the pain it causes horses.

I respectfully urge you to take a stand against the cruelty and pain these majestic, gentle creatures endure. Please make shoe weighting illegal and step up measures to enforce laws against soring. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this petition.

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